Are the boots of double protection required for the mountain of 1st degree complexity or it can be overcame with the usual boots? On the one hand, both versions are extreme, on the other hand, both are possible. The only question is whether you want to go to the mountains for the second time or not.
We will tell you about the types of hiking boots, about the meaning of the structure and the specificity of the structure, which will help you understand the difference between many models and choose the appropriate shoes.
The selection process of choosing hiking boots will become easier, if you answer the following questions sincerely.
The harder the relief is, the stronger and solid the boots must be. It must have high protection of the crust and legs.
The heavy backpack makes an extra burden for the ankles and increses the risk of injury. Heavy backpack deforms the stick, which can adversely affect the ability of the cloth to hold on a hard terrain. For this reason, the heavier the backpack, the harder the boots should be.
Responding to these questions, you will understand the conditions of the shoe practically and find it easy to find the model you want in dozens of types. After all, the specific features of the shoe design and the selection of the material are conditioned by the conditions in which they are to be used.
Tracking boots’ types:
All the types can be devided into 3 cathegories.
-lightweight tracking boots ( or hiking boots)
-classic hiking boots ( or midweight trekking boots)
– mountainous or a few days of complex hiking boots (heavy backpacking boots)
Lightweight tracking boots
In the terms of structure the tracking boots are similar to sport shoes and are usen in the same fields. In an English speaking environment, it is referred to as “hiking boots”, that is, footwear campaigns for simple hiking and mountain hiking.
Lightweight Scooter Boots Use Area:
This is an ideal option for ordinary touristic routes and holidays, provided that the weight of your backpack will not exceed 15 kg. Otherwise, the joints and knees, especially weakened, will be overloaded, which increases the risk of tiredness and injury early. Due to its comfort and relative strength, lightweight track shoes are widely used in hiking, mountain hiking, as well as urban shoes in damp and cold weather conditions.
For experienced travellers, such boots are comfortable for technically intricate, but long-haul routes, although many people use sports boots in such conditions. Experienced traveller , as a rule, have good physical training and are using a reasonable minimums of clothing that allows them to refrain from fixing the hood.
Structure features:
The upper part of tracking boots is not high and closures ankle insufficient, ensuring minimal protection of the ankle joint. Nevertheless, thanks to the longer upper part of the sport shoes, tracking boots protect the weather better because the lower risk of shoemaking from the boots is less.
Lightweight traction shoes are used with good damping tread cloths that make the shoe comfortable in the paddy areas and when dragging with steep slopes.
Lightweight traction shoes are used with good damping tread cloths that make the shoe comfortable in the paddy areas and when dragging with steep slopes. Often as an amortization layer EVA light foam (ethylvinyl acetate), it is a great solution to the problem, but does not differ in durability.
The EVA intermediate stabilizer is easily damaged on sharp stones, and is pressurized by high pressure, losing the amortization feature.
To ensure the stability of the foot on a complicated relief, the tweezers are used in harsh molds that prevent the leg collapse that can cause acne and ligament injury.
The quality of touching the surface directly depends on the quality of the cloth, as well as the geometry and depth of the foot, making the footwear different from those produced by the manufacturer. As a rule, lightweight track shoes provide enough viscosity on different facets, except for damp rocks, deep mud and weak ground.
Materials: Due to the delicate leather and textile weaving, the scarf can be worn “just out of the box”, they are comfortable and don’t need to be tested beforehand. Unfortunately, such constructive solutions reduce boots’ resistance. Small stones with sharp edges, permanent moisture, excessive dirt can quickly damage the delicate matter and sutures. In other words, light-haired shoe shirts will serve long-term touristic trails, but are not forever used in “wild and severe” relief.
Classic tracking boots
In the English language environment, it is referred to as “midweight trekking boots” or “light backpacking boots”. It’s the average of haired shoes and heavy tweed shoes.
The area of use of medium height wheeled boots
Provides good support for the ankle, which is combined with a fairly solid underlay and durable material, allowing these shoes to use up to 3000m highs on a backpack with up to 25kg. The mid-footwear shoes provide side-by-side boost support and stabilization of the footrest in a complicated position. This allows those boots to use those who have low physical training and weak leg muscles.
Due to their robustness, reliability and relative lightweight, these shoes are well-known for walking in long-distance hiking trails (for example, technically inaccessible 2-3,000 kilometers of travel path).
These class tracking boot are now well-known in the West due to their comfort, durability and low weight balance. This popularity contributes to the rooted experience of developing relatively good roads at a height of 3000m in the European and American tourism. There are not many trials in boots here.
Structural features:
Medium translucent boots provide good adhesion and sufficient level of fixation of the ankle joint due to the plastic elements in that segment and the additional fastening layer. The upper part of the boots protects against foreign bodies and water, allowing less wear.
Compared to the armband boots, these boots mattresses have a more durable sketch and give them the ability to aggressively. This significantly relieves after heavy rainfall in semi-trails, moving on soft and collapsing ground. For depreciation, the heavier EVA foam is used in lightweight tweezers and sneakers. Not often an intermediate stabilizer is created of polyurethane which differs in durability and elasticity, but has less flexibility.
The top part is typically made of leather / suede and textile combination, not often with a single piece of soft leather. All this makes the top of the shoe quite durable, even if the route passes through good trails and is accompanied by dirt and moisture. However, middle-foot shoes are not recommended for use in mountain tourism and climbing. The stone collections available on such routes are capable of cutting the sutures.
Most of the boots for medium trading do not require a long period of testing and are suitable for a few hours after wearing. However, it is recommended to wear them for a few days before going through long paths so that the boots sit well on the leg. This will help to reduce the formation of cracks.
Mountainous or Heavy backpacking boots
This type of touristic shoes is also called “boots for heavy tracking.” They have a very rigid cloth, a stronger structure, and usually small weight.
The area of use of Heavy backpacking boots: Heavyweight boot shoes are designed for intense refractive rainfall in changing weather conditions and over 25kg heavier weight. These conditions appear in mountain tourism. Reliable structure and high rigidity allow these shoes to be used in extremely uncomfortable conditions, such as high humidity, dirt, moving rocks, that is, on untreated trails and high mountains. The longevity and the ability to use a combination of different types of complexity do not add to the uselessness of the complexity of the area, but provide a comprehensive utilization and save your budget.
Hard pedestal boots are hard to use, so use loose pillows, which significantly extends the range of possible tracks. The traveller’s leg is securely secured, secured with legs and provides boots, gradually digging.
Thick, sandy and soft upper layers allow shoes to wear at low temperatures: -10 … -15º C, depending on the physical fitness of the hiker. Some models in the background are equipped with rattan, which allows them to use half-breasted puppies. These models are between the racing and climbing shoes and are not suitable for long-term hiking.
The latest technology and materials in the last two decades have allowed the “heavy weight” of modern heavyweight boots to “lose weight.” For this reason, some concessions can be used in long ways, including pathways developed in simple relief.
Structural features: As a rule, the top of the boots is made of a single piece of leather (suede, nubuck) with a minimal suture. Combination with textile materials is often not used. For extra protection, the top of the shoe is rounded with a rubber strap.
Heavyweight footwear boots differ in toughness and thickness. This allows the traveler to stand on the smaller elements of the ride, not being afraid that the sticker will shake the weight and the legs will swing. Intermediate cloths are used in plastic or metal tablets to give toughness. In order to ensure that such liners are suitable for walking, a smooth cylinder is used in front of the boots.
As an amortization layer is used dense polyurethane, which differs from its longevity and does not “sink” heavily due to its heavy backpack. Plastic trim shoes are not used in plastic trousers, but manufacturers do not refuse to stabilize the heel.
Heavyweight scooter boots are equipped with a very durable base that ensures acceptable and predictable clutter on different surfaces such as wet grass, dirt, crushed stone, wet stones, etc.
The tough structure above implies a long period of shoe wear. It is desirable to start this process a week before the upcoming campaign. During this time, the shoe leather will “fit” on the paw and heel, which will allow avoiding the discomfort and ripples.
You do not need to buy rectangular shoes at the last moment. In heavy boots, many of the boots are used as a thermal foam, which also requires some time to “sit” (eg MFS Meindl Shoes).
Membrane in the tracking boots.
Though many tourists are mind the use of a membrane in the tracking boots, the market is definitely answering this question. Today, there are no tourist footwear manufactured. Most manufacturers use the Gore-Tex membrane.
The most water-resistant heavy-duty boots, which can be achieved thanks to the presence of less seams and dense leather, which is water-resistant. The upper part of the shoe is further recycled to the drainage port and due to its size it becomes useless and it is advisable to use special tools for its recovery.
Some advices in trying tracking boots:
– Do not concentrate on the shoe brand, it does not matter what your friends wear or what models they endure in the forums. When trying shoes, your personal feelings are important.
– It would be better to try the shoe at the store at night. Legs swell in the evening and become widespread, which simulates its condition on the track.
– Take it with you or ask a seller for two pairs of socks, one for you to understand how the shoes will be warm at the foot and the other is thicker to find out the way the shoes are in the cold at the foot. Choose sockets for tracking.
– Before buying try many swing shoes that will fit your goal. Even the same manufacturer’s shoes can be used in different pads. Great choice is a good opportunity to increase the number of pairs that will match your leg.
– When trying to shoe well, the foot should not touch the end of the shoe. An insufficient free foot may cause swelling, drowning, or fracture when fallen. In order to assess whether there is enough free space in front of the cloth, you can easily lighten the shoe and the paw. The free space should be 0.5-1 mm for lightweight and medium tracking, and 1-1.5 cm.
– If you have doubts about the sizes of shoes, for example, half size, then give preference to the bigger size, the paw may fade during the race.
– Pay attention to the foot position in the shoe, it should not move forward, the heel should not play. Do not try to fix the narrow legs in a wide range of shoes by pulling the shoelaces off the maximum. It is desirable that the ability to stay in touch during the campaign.
– Try to walk in the most comfortable shoes while trying, combining it with different thickness socks to make the shoe stand right. Heavyweight boot shoes require long and long socks use.
– Walk in the shop with shoes. Use stairs and slopes to imitate the foot behavior during climbing and landing.
– If you have orthopedic inserts, take it with you. Shoes can also be used to customize your customized tabs. They will provide additional stability to the paw, reducing the risk of cracking. Including individual inserts will significantly reduce muscle and joint overload, bringing paw to anatomical position.