The Safety Rule before starting the hike
- The selected route must match the readiness and the level of capabilities of participants.
- Explore detailed the path, relief sort, difficulties, dangers, the availability of water sources, the possibility to leave the route if needed․
- Arrange the schedule and group moving order.
- Without preliminary training and climate adapt ( Usually 3-5 days for trained people in the Caucasus) do not start with complicated crossing and ups.
The adaptation to the climate must be active.
- The weather should be adjusted in advance.
- Not to start the hike in evidently bad weather conditions, 2-3 days after strong snowstorm, in fog, in case of risk of low temperature or snow leakage.
- Get out in the dark only if you you know the path well and if you will walk long during daytime. In bad weather conditions, only for rescue operations.
Check detailed the equipment, clothing, food, health condition of group members.
Don’t include people with bad state of health or those who have not yet recovered from the illness. In the conditions of physical and psychological overdose, illnesses are aggravated and it can be fatal(eg, in a weakened body, during long-term physical overload or frostbite can cause heart failure, as a result of which a person may die during walking).
- All the members of the group must know the dangers and reasons, which lead to accidents, should be able to discover and and not behave too self-confident, you need to follow the safety rules.
- Not to organize a hiking or an expedition without an experienced, knowledgeable on the route person.
- In an unfamiliar location walk only through a well seen path. Remember, it is faster to walk through the well seen path and road then streight, without a path.
- Start the hiking early in the morning and only if you are well-dressed,
if you have necessary amount of food and if you have informed Rescue Services or other people about your hiking, so that anyone has information on your route.
- Take the necessary measures to protect your legs from damage, stinging and frosting (for example, plaster in the alleged part to protect your leg from stinging).
⦁ Walk only in tight (solid, dry) shoes, clothes, hosiery, gloves, etc.